
BFC Boutique Tour: S E Unique Designs

April 22, 2017

S E Unique Designs is a brand new shop that has just opened up in Cudworth, selling both handmade fashion, jewellery and accessories, as well as brought-in stock for more casual pieces. Samantha has ran her dressmaking making from home for a while but has now taken the leap to get her own premises.

How long have you had your business and what made you decide to move into a boutique?

'I've had my own business for 4 years now! I've worked from home and decided to convert my garage in to a studio just over 2 years ago, however I now feel I've outgrown my studio at home and feel now is the right time to expand. '

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What brands will you stock?

'I will mainly stock my own  in-house brand. Also some Hannah Elizabeth Fashion and handmade jewellery Emily elsworth. But to give my clients plenty of choice, I've also bought some warehouse stock such as casual tops, shirt dresses, summer dresses etc.'

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What made you choose a village shop instead of a town centre one?

'The main reason I've not chosen a town centre location is the rent would be far too expensive. I've chosen a village very close to where I live myself and also most of my clients live locally.'

How do you market to your customers?

'I market online mainly via Facebook taking pics of my projects as they are in construction and then once finished. I try to also encourage my clients to send me pics of them wearing my designs. Offline mainly just word of mouth.'

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What do you want to achieve with your new shop and what are your future plans?

'I would love for more local people to be able to see my designs in the flesh rather than just online I'm not looking too far in to the future at the moment, my main aim is to make my new shop a success!'

190 Pontefract Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8AE


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