
BFC Boutique Tour: Lacey Janes

April 18, 2017

Lacey Janes is a vintage style retailer based inside the Flower Corner on Summer Lane. Here we have caught up with owner Julie to find out all about Lacey Janes and how vintage trends work for them, whilst being inside the Flower shop.

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How did Lacey Janes begin and what style did you want to present through it?

'Lacey Janes began through a quiet spell in the flower shop whilst my mum was ill , I was torn between looking after her and trying to juggle my business but for some reason it had gone awfully quiet. Feeling very emotional I didn't know where to turn, I was sat in the flower shop but felt needed at home much more . It all got too much and I nearly just smashed the place up and walked away. I put the business up for sale but had no interest, not even anyone being nosey!! After a week or so I managed to pull myself back together and thought my mum wouldn't want me to give all this up for her so what else can I do??? Being into vintage VW's and camping anyway, we often attended vintage weekends where all the 40-50's styles were worn and I suddenly thought, "I'd love to sell these", why not give it a go??? If it doesn't work what have I lost?? A couple of hundred pounds that I could probably try to sell on eBay!?! So that week I emptied the shop, re-painted inside, got my husband to make a small changing area and off I went!!! Lacey Janes was born!!! I love the vintage feel, antiques, shabby chic and all that and that's the style I wanted to present and whilst my dresses are 40-50's inspired I try to choose accessories that complement this style. I also try to buy flowers that fit this style and have done numerous vintage style weddings since having the dresses in store.'

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What is better about vintage styles than the high street trends?

'Vintage styles are very feminine and look good on fuller figure thus the dresses are available from a size 8 up to a size 26. I usually stock 10-18 but the smaller and larger sizes can be ordered in. The good thing about vintage styles compared to high street tends is that they don't go out of fashion, they've been there and come back and I'd say it's a style that's here to stay.'

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What are your average price points and ranges?

'The prices range from £30-40 so are really affordable and I have approx 30-40 dresses in stock to view. I usually just buy one dress in a style to see the quality, fabric, style, etc. in a random size and then can order other sizes in it if required.'

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What do you think makes you stand out against other Vintage style retailers?

'I know these dresses can be bought online but I think one of the reasons my shop stands out is that customers can actually visit to view the dress feel the fabric etc.'

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How do you market yourself?

'I use facebook mainly as my source of advertising and word of mouth, I occasionally stand at vintage fairs too and have an eBay shop. I desperately need a website but feel scared of where to go to have it done and how much it's going to cost. Over the past two years of selling the dresses I have found it's a seasonal thing, selling lots more in spring and summer, so I have now started selling a lot of knitwear from Italy in autumn and winter which have proved to be very popular, this year I have also invested in a few linen pieces to compliment our collection, it is ever growing according to demand. I buy things I like and it seems to work, people are always commenting on what a lovely collection I have.'

Lacey Janes / The Flower Corner, 84 Summer Lane, Barnsley, S75 2AB

Call 01226 779090

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